
Skyrim aetherial crown trick
Skyrim aetherial crown trick

So if you leave Helgen with the Imperials, you must join the. The lower piece can be found in the Dwarven Storeroom outside Mzulft, without needing to start Revealing the Unseen. Now can exit this place and travel to Raldbthar. In order for the Jagged Crown trick to work, you must join the side you left Helgen with.

skyrim aetherial crown trick

Go inside and get your 1st piece of Aetherium Shard (1/4).


Now if you check the Katria's Journal you can find the number 1 is the bottom left, the 2 is bottom right and the rest are trial and error but here i will list them anyway. The Ritual Stone + Aetherial Crown thing was not an 'exploit'. If you are wearing or carrying the Aetherial Crown when you meet Taron Dreth. You will get to a place where the Tonal Lock will be,basically you will need to arrow hit the blue marks in a correct order ,aw and don't worry about arrows as there are plenty on the floor near the dead skeleton you can just pick some up or if your a mage you can just fireball them as that works also. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Vexs Reward for Crown of Barenziah.

skyrim aetherial crown trick

You will get to a point when Katria will say that this is where she had her fall and that her bow is at the big log there, when this happens do go and get the bow Zephyr as you will need it if you do not have a bow on you. When you enter inside Arkngthamz a ghost voice will keep telling you to turn back, you just keep going and soon you will meet Katria ,accept her offer to help and then the quest will begin Lost to the Ages.Not far from where you meet Katria you will find her body and you can search her to get Katria's Journal.

Skyrim aetherial crown trick